Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Welcome to our Blog!! Camille and I desided we didn't want to be the only ones in the world without a blog, and since our lifes are not very exciting seperatly we set it up together! Untill we get things in order here is our first post. It is our Ichat conversation discussing what the name of our blog should but. If you are bored enough... here ya go!!

Cathi: So what are we going to call our blog ? Tina said we should call it "Ziplock Bag"
Cam: The CatCam Show ofcourse.
Cathi: Ziplock Baggies, hahah
Cam: More like the LipLock Bagssss
Cathi: what?!? creeppy i dont really know why she suggested that one
Cathi:"The CAtcam Show" hahah, i seriously l'ed o l.
Cam: How about English102 ---------thats currently what my blog is called.
Cathi: you have a blog? and why is it called english 102?
Cam: Because I posted everything for my english class on there.
Cathi: how about "dating 101" or "Abstenence in the City"
Camille: How about "The QC"..........thats what Tina should have named hers.
Cathi: no thats slightly lame. how about "life in the 480" or"85234" (get it instead of 90210)
Cam: Got it........and no
Cathi: haha "The Luna-C"
Cam: How about "Temporarily The Luna-C"
Cathi: "the Last Luna Sisters"
Cam: HAAAAAAAAA I like that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cathi: "Last sisters standing"
Cam: Last Lunas Standing........ Wait Nevermind.
Cathi: haha, or since we have the same initials call it "CL" but think of other words the "C" and "L" could stand for like "Clearly Loco" "Confidently Large" "Crystal Lilies"
Cam: Classly Liliacs
Cathi: "Classy Ladies"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cam: I have no idea... Confident Ladies?
Cathi: "Coper Luffas"
Cam: "Cash Likers" Haha
Cathi: gross!!
Cam: Why gross?
Cathi: Cash is Dirty! oh wait... likers not lickers... haha
Cam: Likers --- one who likes. Haha
Cam: I really like "Last Sisters Standing"
me: ok that works

1 comment:

Jenn said...

hey girlies! Just thought i'd say hey and the "Cash Likers/lickers" part of that post had me laughing hard as did "Abstinence in the City" - that one even made Timmy and Nate laugh :D Hope you're both doing well!