We get together a couple times a month, and we go out and do whatever she wants. It is a time for her to get to do something fun without having to worry about school or any of her foster brothers. Chastity recently turned 12 and she just started in the 6th grade last week.

She lives with her younger brother and 3 foster brothers in Mesa.
She plays city Soccer and is in the school band and I love being able to go to her games and concerts. She also loves music and especially The Jonas Brothers and Hanna Montana, which i was lucky enough to take her to go see earlier in the year!
When we go out we go to the movies, shopping, bowling, swimming or sometimes well just get
dinner and have girl chat. We have so much fun together and I am so glad that I got invol
ved in this program. It is a great way to volunteer in the community and make a difference in a child's life, and my own.
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