Monday, December 22, 2008
A couple weekends ago we went to a Picture scavenger hunt at a friends house. There were 5 teams. Our team was Cathi, Camille, Brad and Rashel. It was a blast, and our team (of course) won the Picture Scavenger Hunt Pass Along Trophy!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Camille and I had some Christmas baking fun this past week. Along with her roommates Rashel and Britney we made Christmas Treats to take around to our friends. We each were in charge of making one treat and then we put them all together on the plate. We made hot chocolate and had Christmas music playing, it was so fun and really got us into the Christmas spirit!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
My roommates and I were feeling into the Christmas spirit last night, and looking for an excuse to stay home, we had our own Little Christmas party! We ordered pizza, watched some Tivo'd Law and Order and got to decorating!


Oh sad little Christmas tree, the cheapest one we could find!

We made some Silver snowflakes to hang on the tree and then decorated it with our Silver and Blue Decorations! It turned out great!!

A close up of the beautiful tree topper, and the ornaments.

My roommate Kymeri was put in charge of the stocking, and she did an awesome job!
I accidentally stuck my arm in the paint on Leah's stocking.... i am pretty sure she forgave me.
I accidentally stuck my arm in the paint on Leah's stocking.... i am pretty sure she forgave me.

Monday, December 1, 2008
Camille and I get the award for the worst bloggers in the world.
I guess our lives are just not as exciting as we had hoped. We have spent the past few weeks doing business as usual... nothing too out of the ordinary.
We got Tina and Sean's house all packed up and out the door on its way to Idaho, this was one of the most depressing experiences of my life.
We were lucky enough to get the whole entire family together in Vegas for Thanksgiving this past week, minus the normal family fights and little arguments, it was a blast, and one of the best Thanksgivings ever!!
Here are a few highlights, captured on film!

I guess our lives are just not as exciting as we had hoped. We have spent the past few weeks doing business as usual... nothing too out of the ordinary.
We got Tina and Sean's house all packed up and out the door on its way to Idaho, this was one of the most depressing experiences of my life.
We were lucky enough to get the whole entire family together in Vegas for Thanksgiving this past week, minus the normal family fights and little arguments, it was a blast, and one of the best Thanksgivings ever!!
Here are a few highlights, captured on film!

2am Marshmallow Poker Tournament!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween Fun!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I love seeing everyone dress up, and all the candy doesn't hurt either.
I got to go to Tina and Sean's Trunk or Treat at the church on Saturday it was so fun and the girls looked so cute as Punk Rock Princesses!!
This will be my first year not dressing up :( i decided to spend my weekend in Vegas with some old college Friends, and i am sure i will have a blast.
I'm not dressing up but i did get to carve pumpkins with some new friends, we had baked potatoes for diner and then we all carved our pumpkins, it was a great Halloween activity, and a ton of fun.

I got to go to Tina and Sean's Trunk or Treat at the church on Saturday it was so fun and the girls looked so cute as Punk Rock Princesses!!
This will be my first year not dressing up :( i decided to spend my weekend in Vegas with some old college Friends, and i am sure i will have a blast.
I'm not dressing up but i did get to carve pumpkins with some new friends, we had baked potatoes for diner and then we all carved our pumpkins, it was a great Halloween activity, and a ton of fun.

Ashlee and Jeff

Deak and I carving our pumpkins
Our Finished Pumpkins

Kirsten and Hunter

All of the Pumpkins
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hi Friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well its been awhile since I have posted and seeing as how I am apart of this blog...I should probably let you know what's up every now and then.
Lets do a quick update on the most exciting things that have been going on in my life........................and we're done. Just kidding!!
Tina's husband took off out of town for 10 days so Charli was convinced to bring the girls down from Vegas and stay with Tina while Sean was away. Basically there were 5 girls under the age off 4 --- and then us 4 sisters all under one roof!!! It was complete MADNESS to say the least -- but a GREAT time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily us sisters got to get cute and go out a couple times during the weekend!
Conference was good (the sessions I was able to watch).......I noticed a common theme of really coming together as a family and as a people of the church. I loved Elder Ukdorfs talk on hope ---- overall I thought conference was rather uplifting because it just really focused on appreciating and seeing what is good in your life.
Anywayyy!!! Work is okay -- somedays I don't mind it and other day's I am just counting down the minutes of my long ten hour day!!! I am grateful to have a job in these bad economic times but with huge corporations doing major cutbacks --- I'm basically waiting to be let go!!!!! Comforting huh?!???
I have never been fired from a job before --- do I cry??? I mean in all honesty I will be doing the Jane Fonda inside....but am I suppose to act upset? AND isn't that like a free pass to drink when your Mormon......someone explain the rules here.
On top of the embarrassment of being laid off -- I am still technically employed by Brads company which basically means he will be getting a call asking him to call me and tell me to never come back to work again --- can you say humiliations galore?!!???!!!
Anywhooo my running goal of a half marathon is coming up in less than 2 days (Saturday the 25th!!!) I have not been taking the training as seriously as I did last time -- but I think I will survive!! Tina has been kicking my butt when it comes to running -- me being the younger sister of 7 years (and never having to push a child out of my body) should be running circles around her BUT with my long houred job -- its been hard to find motivating, awake running time!!
As for the weekend --- Friday night will consist of an all carbs meal and a nice early bed time. Saturday morning is my run -- then I am off to a company flag football game and then I'm catering a wedding in the early evening. Tina and Amber are throwing a Halloween party Saturday night and I'm super bummed to miss it!! I am actually more bummed to miss little Poodles and Hailey dressed up as punk princesses!!!! Hopefully I'll get to take them out on Halloween to trick or treat!!!
To end my post --- I thought I would share a more personal side of Cathi. This is how I found her the other morning when she found out the AM/PM was out of Diet Mt. Dew..........
Well its been awhile since I have posted and seeing as how I am apart of this blog...I should probably let you know what's up every now and then.
Lets do a quick update on the most exciting things that have been going on in my life........................and we're done. Just kidding!!
Tina's husband took off out of town for 10 days so Charli was convinced to bring the girls down from Vegas and stay with Tina while Sean was away. Basically there were 5 girls under the age off 4 --- and then us 4 sisters all under one roof!!! It was complete MADNESS to say the least -- but a GREAT time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily us sisters got to get cute and go out a couple times during the weekend!
Conference was good (the sessions I was able to watch).......I noticed a common theme of really coming together as a family and as a people of the church. I loved Elder Ukdorfs talk on hope ---- overall I thought conference was rather uplifting because it just really focused on appreciating and seeing what is good in your life.
Anywayyy!!! Work is okay -- somedays I don't mind it and other day's I am just counting down the minutes of my long ten hour day!!! I am grateful to have a job in these bad economic times but with huge corporations doing major cutbacks --- I'm basically waiting to be let go!!!!! Comforting huh?!???
I have never been fired from a job before --- do I cry??? I mean in all honesty I will be doing the Jane Fonda inside....but am I suppose to act upset? AND isn't that like a free pass to drink when your Mormon......someone explain the rules here.
On top of the embarrassment of being laid off -- I am still technically employed by Brads company which basically means he will be getting a call asking him to call me and tell me to never come back to work again --- can you say humiliations galore?!!???!!!
Anywhooo my running goal of a half marathon is coming up in less than 2 days (Saturday the 25th!!!) I have not been taking the training as seriously as I did last time -- but I think I will survive!! Tina has been kicking my butt when it comes to running -- me being the younger sister of 7 years (and never having to push a child out of my body) should be running circles around her BUT with my long houred job -- its been hard to find motivating, awake running time!!
As for the weekend --- Friday night will consist of an all carbs meal and a nice early bed time. Saturday morning is my run -- then I am off to a company flag football game and then I'm catering a wedding in the early evening. Tina and Amber are throwing a Halloween party Saturday night and I'm super bummed to miss it!! I am actually more bummed to miss little Poodles and Hailey dressed up as punk princesses!!!! Hopefully I'll get to take them out on Halloween to trick or treat!!!
To end my post --- I thought I would share a more personal side of Cathi. This is how I found her the other morning when she found out the AM/PM was out of Diet Mt. Dew..........
Shes what we like to call an addict................gosh love ya
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